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Our Work

North Carolina Higher Education Consortium

APNC started its work on college campuses through helping establish, build, and maintain collegiate recovery communities, which were created in response to the recovery-hostile environment on college campuses. This work expanded in 2021 to include prevention and general wellness. Through these efforts, APNC has formed the North Carolina Higher Education Consortium, and serves as the central entity that supports health, wellness, and alcohol/other drug professionals on campuses.

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Prevention Services

Addiction Professionals of North Carolina staff provide support, training, and technical assistance to communities throughout NC in their efforts to prevent substance misuse and reduce underage drinking, e-cigarette, and marijuana use. APNC collaborates with local, regional, state, and national partners to ensure prevention strategies are data-driven, evidence-based, and centered in health equity. Prevention staff utilize SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework to guide technical assistance work in capacity building, community needs assessment, strategy planning and implementation, and sustainability.

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Recovery Services

In addition to recovery efforts on college campuses, APNC works to decrease stigma around substance use and remove barriers to recovery services. Recovery work includes developing trainings, bridging gaps in community relations, and actively engaging with people about addiction/recovery services available in their communities.

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