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Become a Member

APNC Membership gives you, your organization, or your company ways to get engaged in the field, access to the most recent research and evidence-based practices, and a network of professionals working toward similar goals. Learn more about which membership level is right for you:


For profit entities with an interest in behavioral health


Non-profit groups not providing direct services


Direct service providers


Professionals working in the substance use field

Membership Benefits

We represent the best interests of our members and the people they serve.

APNC has strong relationships with several government and community entities, including the governor’s and attorney general’s offices, DHHS leadership, NC legislature, SUD federation and the Coalition. These connections ensure access to a wealth of information across the continuum of care and enable APNC to advocate for better health policy. Input from members forms the basis of APNC’s policy efforts each legislative session.

When you become a member, APNC staff are all available to assist you via phone or email.

APNC staff maintain their credentials and licensure as well as keep up with the latest in policy and best practices. Subjects of expertise include SUD counseling, public policy, advocacy, coalition building, stakeholder engagement, fundraising, communications, event planning and logistics, grant writing, grant management, and more.

Members receive APNC’s monthly newsletter.

APNC gathers the most important recent news, policy updates, action alerts, funding opportunities, professional development opportunities, and more. Essential updates are sent throughout the legislative session to keep members informed of the timeliest policy news.

Members range from large organizations and corporates to individuals who work across the continuum.

Meet and collaborate with professionals across the state through conferences, trainings, and other networking events throughout the year. APNC’s members-only website portal includes a community forum where members can communicate with one another.

A portion of dues is not deductible as a business expense because of APNC’s advocacy activities on behalf of its members.